Bellissima Italia!

Next stop, Italy, one of my beloved countries, it always has been like my first love, funny to describe this way, but that’s what it is. I went to Milan, Florence, Venice and Rome 4-5 years ago (definitely the most famous route for travelers…) and I’d have to say that all the cities were incredible, nice people, nice view, impressive historic sites.

I think many of you might agree with me on the cheap european flights like Easyjet, Vueling and stuff, AS VERY EXPECTED my flight from Bordeaux to Milan Malpensa was delayed for an hour hence I had to bother myself to sit in the airport doing nothing, the wifi was horrible.

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C’est bon.

1 (1)Don’t even get furious about delays, in Europe it’s completely normal.

Finally landed up in Milan Malpensa, embarrassed to say it but I just met a very attractive person that I’d follow, such a big pity that I couldn’t even talk, I mean giving a try wouldn’t have been so bad.

Jeez, I just missed my train to la stazione di Verona which was my destination. I hate when these things happen to me in a row, the ticket machine didn’t work for me, same as the ATM machine, I mean what’s going on here? Even the wifi was only available for those people who have got an italian usim.

Well just got in Verona and finally met up my couch host Simone, one of the friendliest guys I met during my trip, such an open minded person who explored all over the world, he’s got a very interesting flat in Chiampo which is like 30 minutes away from Verona, he likes inviting people and wants to make his flat like a small guesthouse, nice plan, isn’t it? He’s also an expert when it comes to couchsurfing, hence there was nothing I felt uncomfortable or anything.

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I’m here in Verona finally!”

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Piadina for our dinner, quite funny how I communicated with the lady in the piadina store.

Me “Buona sera signora, vorrei due piadine per favore.” (Good evening, I’d like 2 piadina please.)
The lady “Buona sera, wow, parli bene l’italiano! due piadine, okay, tre minuti, siediti!” (Good evening, wow, you speak well italian, 2 piadina, okay, 3 minutes, have a seat.)

Italian has been one of my favorite languages in total, very melodic, friendly and sometimes hilarious, well, you know, it’s more fun when you know the language, I’d have to improve my spoken italian though.

1 (4)2 (1)Fabulous Verona. A lot smaller than those that I visited last time in Italy, in the meanwhile very peaceful.

Io e Simone. It was a beautiful day, wasn’t it? 🙂

5 6My favorite pics from Verona, Simone knows all the good spots in the city.

I really like this guy mostly because of his fascinating sense of humor, he’s so much fond of football and a strong supporter for Verona football team, there’s no way him supporting for la squadra di Vicenza which is kind of a rival of his team. One day we were watching a football game and Vicenza was definitely loosing the match and he all of a sudden got more passionate.

Me “Simone, do they really bother you?”
Simone “Of course, even if Verona loses, Vicenza shouldn’t win a match, for sure!”

I’ve been always aware of Italy’s massive regionalism, but this much? 😀 how interesting. I think it’s going to be wider if going further to the south, I mean it’s a very well known knowledge how the people from Milan and Rome or Naples or even Sicilli think of each other, almost the same as in Spain.

One night he took me to a beer party kind of, his friend works in a bar that holds an italian version of oktoberfest, it was a real fun talking to new people, mostly from Veneto region which Verona belongs to, here’s some views on the region and also the people.


Self-esteem : They love their city, especially when it comes to sports like their football team. I think it’s beautiful when people love what they have got and where they live.

Peace : At least much more peaceful than Milan and Venice that are always crowded, that’s probably where my preference comes from.

Romeo e Giulietta : It is believed that Romeo and Giulietta lived in Verona and their love was built in the city, one day I visited la casa di Giulietta once, it was a very touristic space, but obviously worth visiting.


Gelatto : I just love it, cheap but very very tasty.

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Who’s the happiest man in the world now?

With Carlo, Elena and Riccardo. Riccardo and I took a small motor trip through a big mountain, it was just SUPER. Can’t wait to try it once again.

Verona-Bologna : What a big surprise, my train arrived on time, seriously, I expected it to be delayed for 30 minutes minimum, wow, a miracle seeing this.

Everything was in good order, had been such a great day before I faced a difficulty of finding my couch host Flavia, I was running around the station for 30 mins and apparently so was she. She eventually noticed me, so funny that both of us were just being worn out and sweating like hell.

Flavia and me just before my departure for Warsaw, Poland.

She is a philosophic girl, very respectful, nice to talk to, great english and ready to accept everything. We’ve got some common stuff like being eager to leave our own country and working abroad, she did an erasmus program in Belgium which she loved and now, this time (summer in 2015) she’s proceeding her master career in Barcelona, Spain. Even now we talk a lot on facebook and skype, she’s a great friend of mine.

I don’t frankly speaking remember anything specific from my Bologna trip, only Flavia and the tasty pizzas. We went to the student area that we could have some economic dinner together, quite impressive as Bologna is considered to be a student friendly city, maybe the most in Italy.

 wouldn’t be surprised if you get some kilos in Italy, the food over there are just amazing.