Exploring two famous cities.

Sorry guys for having been lazy somehow…As the autumn approached, I got a bit busy, had no time to write. But now I have a plenty of free times to write my thoughts.

Leipzig & Dresden

Leipzig is not so touristic at all, rather peaceful and a student friendly city I’d say. It’s only 2 hours away from Berlin, quite easy to get there and explore. I think it’s sufficient to explore the city within 2 days, or even one day if you move quickly.

Dresden on the other hand…a bit different, it’s way more beautiful than Leipzig and as it’s only an hour away from the czech border a big amount of tourists come by and explore the city. Someone described the city as “Germany’s venice” and I kinda agree with that.

What do I know about Leipzig?

1.Vietnamese immigrants – Germany is getting fuller of immigrants, erasmus students. Since Leipzig used to belong to East Germany and Vietnam was one of the brethren nations, so many immigrants came and still living there. I had vietnamese cuisine as soon as arriving in Leipzig station. Quite yummy and cheap.

2.The university – The german chancellor, Angela Merkel studied in the university of Leipzig, nevertheless not so many people know about this fact. And this university is fabulous, a perfect place to study I’d say.

3.World cup – I’m pretty sure all of you know that Germany was the world cup 2006 host, and surprisingly Leipzig was the only host city from east germany, not Dresden, but Leipzig.

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Leipzig is worthy visiting.

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My stay in Dresden wasn’t as fun as I expected it to be, I had a nightmare and got depressed all of a sudden, well, nightmares do that to me, they don’t happen frequently, but whenever happen I tend to suffer for a long time.

I think it explains everything.

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Beautiful Dresden.